Brett was out of town on business earlier this week and the kids and I all survived. The last time he was out of town on business, we got the call for Ian's transplant so I was a bit apprehensive about him leaving again. Nothing happened in terms of life changing events.
In a few weeks, we will begin the sleep training process for Livia that is based on a modified Feber method. All my hopes with her being able to sleep through the night on her own haven't materialized. It makes me wonder how some people end up with kids that sleep through the first night home from the hospital--sign me up for that bargain! I purchased a mobile with a remote control for her and Ian was a huge helper in getting it put together. Anything with a screw driver he is there. Livia is eating rice cereal now and is loving it! I am impressed at how well she is doing and did even on her first time. I see peas and sweet potatoes in her near future :)
Ian is having more and more energy. I am amazed at what hte liver transplant has done for him. He was never really lethargic before like some "liver kids" are but comparing pre and post transplant energy levels there is a definite difference. He enjoys soccer, basketball, and golfing but he knows he cannot do them when Livia is having floor time--eeek!
Shayna's Liver is Healing
7 years ago
Good luck with the sleep issues. C was up at 5 this morning waking up his brothers so I think it's payback for the previous 3 years of sleeping through the night.
My thoughts are with you w/ the sleep (or lack of) We are still going on 4 1/2 years of lack of it. Some people get lucky/blessed. We tried the Ferber method w/Macy, but it really didn't work. Teething, allergies, etc kept getting in the way. We're going to have to try something again because I"m getting worn out. Keep us posted!!
Ian looks great! Sorry about the sleep issues. G never slept all night till I was pregnant with M. M is a good sleeper now (for a baby...depends on what you call "all night") but I'm sure we'll pay later. The universe just doesn't allow parents to get THAT much of a break!
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