Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mixed Emotions

This summer Livy has started repeating us and therefore talking in general much more. Her favorite phrase is "oh no, what happened" and I know that when she says that I need to look for a) a container of something small and delicate tipped over b) a page of a book ripped out c) crayon, pen, glue on her or some part of the house. It is great. She also likes to say "Need to go potty? all right". It is very cute that she answers herself.

She is also very clever and resourceful using things to get what she wants, like treats. Another one of her favorite phrases is "I need treat" and then proceeds to try to open the pantry door which now has a childproof handle on it. She likes to climb and below she is using a #10 can to peek into the sink.
Ian started the pool season this summer mostly in the kiddie pool playing with Livia and I. Then we discovered one of hte community pools was almost entirely three feet in depth. He is by no means what I would call a swimmer but his growth has been tremendous. He now can "swim" (aka kick feet and doggie paddle) from one side to the other and he can put his whole face in the water with his goggles on. This is huge! I really want him to jump in by the end of the summer.
We are in our last few weeks of summer before school starts on August 17th. We are going through all the role playing things as our final preparation. This week I am packing his lunch in his lunch sack. We talk about what he should eat first, what to do with food that isn't eaten, and practice eating in 15-20 minutes. Ian has been thrilled with the lunch sack exercise and asks me first thing every morning if I packed his lunch. He'll be helping me pack it once school starts but for now I am keeping it a suprise for him as to what is inside :) This picture is also the last "month day" picture for Ian as nonce he starts school, I'll do his book with his yearly school picture.

I'm proud of all the things the kids have been able to do this summer even with all my mixed emotions.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Our summer is about a month left in duration and it is going to be busy. We've got a trip to CHOA, a trip to Virginia, and school preprations in that time frame not to mention our desire to finally get to the beach this year, more time at the pool, and the sprinklers for the kids.

Oh what do you do in the summertime when all the world is green?

Monday, July 5, 2010

My third fourth

This is my 3rd Fourth of July as a US Citizen. It is great to live in a country of freedom and I hope I never take that for granted.

We did the usual 4th of July things including grilling out except this time we grilled out for three days straight. Our dinner menus were:

Day one was Ribeye (gasp! Yes, I splurged and bought some and it was so heavenly!) with grilled garden veggies with RBFs for dessert (root beer floats)
Day Two was burgers and dogs (the kids favorite) and foil potatoes and fruit salad with smores as dessert (a first for both kiddos and after Livy realized there was chocolate involved she was fine)
Day Three was BBQ chicken with grilled corn on the cob with RBF's for dessert

We went to see fireworks. We tried to put the kids down before going thinking that we would wake them up and go--alas who were we kidding. We got to the place a little late and ended up parking about a 1/2 mile away and then trekking in carrying our kids, blankets, and snacks. (Good thing for Wii Active helping to keep me in shape!) This was Livia's first time seeing any type of fireworks and she loved them. Ian thought they were noisy and wanted to go home before anything got started.

The kids loved the sparklers we attempted today. I thought I had more but there were only three left in the last package from our wedding reception favors. They fizzled pretty quickly but what can you expect after 10 years of sitting around?

Ian had the cutest comment on the 4th as we had talked about it being the USA's birthday and he asked "who will blow out the candles?" Not sure buddy but I'm glad to celebrate America's special day with some extra time as a family!