Monday, July 20, 2009

Missy Prissy

So I feel that in order to balance the posting about I. here are some of L.'s moments.

She is a climber monkey and it seems she is attracted to the most unstable of things--a laundry basket, a trash can, etc. to try to pull herself to stand. And who needs alphabetized movies?

She is already a girl loving mommy's shoes, makeup and concerned about her weight as she does her weigh in like the rest of the family.

And she likes to taste test things in the kitchen. I gave her the spoon after I mixed up some rice krispie treats and she thought she was in heaven.


Melinda said...

Oh...the movies!!!! We gave up w/N. She is getting so big and adorable!!! Can't wait to see all of you!

M and B said...

She's so big! It is such a fun, though messy age...