Summer is slowly fading away. I recently visited "home"--that would be Virginia and was again chastised to update more frequently so here is an update on my life in Charleston.
Ian continues to hold steady on his liver transplant wait. He loves the transplant team doctor and wants to go see him all the time at the butterfly hospital--aka CHOA. The transplant floor is decorated with all types and colors of butterflies and it is a hit with Ian. They have a big map display where the butterflies appear and move around it and it is his favorite. He still isn't ready to hold out his own arm for labs but what three year old kid would be? He knows what labs are at this point. He has graduated to a chewable multivitamin now--a big kid. He is also potty trained which is huge and earned a train table for doing so. Yeah Thomas the Train! He loves his big boy underwear too and keeps Thomas (and Percy, and James, etc.) dry and clean.
Baby "pat" is due in about 8 weeks. She is very active at night and keeps me up sometimes--getting me ready for the night feedings I think. I am starting to nest with getting the nursery set up and ready and am loving the pink and purple dresses, bows, tights, etc.
I just finished reading the last book in teh twilight series and it was wonderful. More sci-fi, intamcy, and language than the previous books. It had a few twists I wasn't ready for too. I thought Meyer did a great job finishing the story and am anxious for the movie of Twilight to come out in December.
I'll sign out with my usual....more on the next post.
Shayna's Liver is Healing
8 years ago
yay! love the pictures.
Kudos!! seeing that pic of you by your house reminds me of the freaking experience I had the first time Ann and Tyler opened the door. Trippy...
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