So I am a blogging slacker having not updated this since March. In my defense, life has been absolutely crazy for my family and I the last few months. My husband accepted a job in South Carolina (Charleston) and moved. I am also pregnant expecting a little girl in October. So far 2008 has been great!
Our move was fairly smooth and we feel so blessed that we sold our house so quickly, found a new house that is awesome in South Carolina, and had everything in between come together. We only had one real casuality from the move--plastic trash cans fell from the moving truck and shattered. I have pictures of things but haven't downloaded them from my camera yet to upload. I shed many tears leaving friends, family, and home of 28 years....every time I thought I was done, I would start again. Kleenex should partner with Mayflower in my opinion.
I became naturalized in June and celebrated my first 4th of July as a citizen! It was wondeful. I hope to get a passport soon--not that I have any pending trips coming or anything. I used my naturalization paperwork to get my SC license :)
Ian is still holding steady--PELD is a 10 again. We head to CHOA in 2 weeks for a clinic visit. He loves the "butterfly" hospital and Dr. Romero. We have a new specialist here at MUSC and meet with him in September.
Boxes and unpacking awaits me so I will end with my classic....more on the next post.....
Shayna's Liver is Healing
8 years ago
sorry about the trashcans! glad to hear you are up and blogging(i hope you are napping too)
A crazy year and it's just half over! There's more to come! Miss you!
yay! kudos on the update in spite of the craziness all around you. Sounds like you are loving your house, which is a plus. Now if it would just take care of
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