Life for us has entered a new phase. It is called "life-with-a-child-involved-in-a-rec-league-sport". Who knew all the things that would be involved when your kid joined a sport?
Ian has his first game tomorrow night and I am responsible for getting him dressed in T-Ball uniform, etc. Please let me get the socks on correctly! I'd also love any ideas on how those of you seasoned moms have done this dinner on the go motif without doing fast food and what you serve for snack when it is your rotation. Livy isn't allowed to join dance (or anything else) until we are no longer novices at these extra curriculars :)

2 of ours are in soccer. We haven't run into problems with dinner yet, but we mainly do something simple on practice nights (they practice once a week and have games on Saturday). When it's our turn for snack, we bring orange slices to eat on the sidelines and then granola bars and pouch drinks for after the game. Good luck!
I totally rely on the crockpot. And we do the same as Toni for the snack. We have been on a few teams that do a halftime snack of oranges, but, i only do the oranges if I have my act together. I don't know how people cart multiple kids around to multiple activities, it wears me out. We're currently doing piano(for 2), soccer(for 2) and scouts(for 1) and it's busy. But, I can't wait to add the tiny dancer to the mix.
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