If anyone saw me out tonight, yes I was out on a date with a younger man.....Ian! Brett and I routinely do dates with the kiddos, and family dates, and on the then rare occasion a couple date. Tonight I took Ian on a date to the local high school winter band concert as he talks about musical instruments so much. I kept it suprise until we were in the car.
It was wonderful. He asked all sorts of questions about where the conductor was going to stand, if he (it turned out to be a she) would have a baton (she did), and where the tubas were. Ian is fascinated by tuabs and drums and guitars and thankfully, tonight all three were highlighted in some fashion.
I am very hopeful that his love of music and band will continue until he can select his own instrument to play and I am hoping of his three short listed instruments thus far that it is the tuba that wins out.
Shayna's Liver is Healing
8 years ago
How cute. I can see him now carrying his tuba in the marching band.
Keep up his interest! Maybe he will be preforming someday!
I'm with you on hoping the drum doesn't win... a guitar sounds nice too.
What a fun night for a 'date'!
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