I did a trial run of curlers in her hair two days ago to see if it was worth it for the big day (no second attempt). She held very still letting me put each one in as she was looking at books. Out of the 9 in her hair, 4 made it through the night until the morning. As a nostolgic note, these are the very same curlers that my mother used on my hair when I was Livia's age. 
To celebrate Liv's special day, we went to the SC Aquarium for the first time in over a year. The kids loved seeing the albino alligator, the turtles, and of course the sharks. 
After lunch and nap (for all of us but Ian), Liv opened presents and played with the new toys. Her big gift was a fisher price dollhouse and it was a hit! I love how the people and things from different sets are interchangable. Livy wanted to drive a car through the door of the house to make it a garage--which was cute but frustrating to her when it wouldn't fit. She also got some books, clothes, craft stuff and was generally spoiled but her extended family (thanks for the awesome stuff family!) She gushed over the Dora things.
I made (or tried to at least) a Dora Explorer backpack cake.
When I showed it to her she said "my cake" and "treat" because she could see the M&Ms on it. She got the piece of cake with map and initally tried to eat it with a fork
but then decided that it was much better going face first.
Happy second birthday sweet Livia!
I can't believe she is 2 already. You did an awesome job on the cake.
Happy birthday beautiful girl!
Happy, Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl!! I had to chuckle at the picture of her cleaning her ears in the previous post. So funny and cute!
John had his sleep study at The Medical College of Georgia's Children's Medical Center here in Augusta. We are so lucky te live 10 minutes away.
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