I've been working on my personal progress as a leader for Young Women's in church (see http://www.lds.org/ for more info) and I am coming down the home stretch to finishing up. This will be my third time through the program (one as a girl, two as a YW leader a few years ago and now again as a leader). Leaders have to:
Complete 24 value experiences
Complete 4 Value Projects including virtue's which is reading the Book of Mormon
Serve as a leader for 1 year
I have completed everything except writing my testimony in my journal about the program and what I have learned. My stake here in February challenged all girls and leaders to finish virtue before Girls Camp in June and I have been reading like crazy to get that one done. I put a kid show on for the kiddos and read on the couch next to them. I kept a Book of Mormon in my diaper bag to read in all those fractionary spare moments. And so forth to get it completed and I am proud to say I did it!
It has been amazing and I love the scripture in Alma 37:6
"...by small and simple things are great things be brought to pass..."
you're amazing!
You are such a great example, Elaine :)
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