I finished my Christmas shopping late last night. I think this is a record for me to be so late into the month. I still have a ton of wrapping to do and will try to tackle that this weekend. I so love the wrapping part....in fact Brett often puts my stuff in boxes for me to wrap as he doesn't like doing it and I do :)
Livy has successfully managed to pull (and mangle) a few ornaments off the tree but honestly has done a lot better with it than I thought.
And if anyone has ideas as to how to fend off the question of if it is Christmas yet, please share. We have two advent calendars we are using plus a countdown chain with an activity for each day and yet somehow I still get asked almost daily if Santa will be making his visit tonight. This same questioner is very anxious for Frosty to come on TV and I keep checking listing for this.....please let me not miss setting the DVR!
I am reading a collection of Christmas stories and have found joy in hearing the tale of the shoemaker again this year as I have not read it for a long time now. I love how Christmas is a Holiday for young and old to enjoy!
Shayna's Liver is Healing
8 years ago
Good job elaine! I just have a few things left to buy, and am ALMOST ready to mail the cards. That is hilarious about Ian, Garner really and truly freaked one morning when we got a snow storm...he really thought it was christmas, and cried when we told him it was still a few weeks away. i'd love to get a copy of your daily activities! In theory we're doing that at our house. Don't ask me how many we've actually done (3). Merry Christmas! May it come...SOON.
I know this may seem weird, but how about doing the "12 Days of Christmas?" (in actuality, though, it would be "The 12 Days until Christmas") but use the same words. Although the 14th would be the first day. Just an idea. I'm glad you are enjoying the season. I would be enjoyinh it more, if I could shake this cold. :) But I am thrilled it's Christmas, and even happier to be going home.
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