Other than our recent trip to the ER, we've been up to a lot of activies that involve food so here is our post.
We got all decked out in Hokie wear to get the free chicken sandwhich at Chick-Fil-A on labor day. The sandwhiches were great but the wait of 20+ minutes in a very crowded and tiny area with two hungry and wiggly kids, was so not worth it. I have told Brett to remind me of that experience when I tell him about another freebie. (Please disgregard the awful photo attempt in the mirror and the messy bathroom counter.)
And Livy who is 11 months old found a box of Cheerios (and shocking did not dump them everywhere). She sure wanted what was inside though. Brand imprinting at its best. She is our mountain goat already climbing to pursue things.
She also got her first corn on the cob on her month day in celebration of her fourth tooth (two on top and two on the bottom). And as we suspected, she LOVED it.

1 comment:
I loved your brand imprinting comment...so, so true!!
When I read your comment on my blog I nodded my head knowingly...I am sure you had tons of medical appointments, too.
Your kids are so cute and Ian's color looks so great. ☺
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