So I've decided in my almost four years as a mommy that mom's are definitely magicians or MacGyvers source for how to's. For example, ask a mom how to entertain children using only a paperclip, a stick of gum, and a straw wrapper found from the depths of her purse/diaper bag, and you will see the most eleborate craft day project appear. And speaking of the purse/diaper bag, I would LOVE to go on the old TV game show Let's Make A Deal because I would be walking away as a winner because I tell Brett the diaper bag is like a 72 hour kit that I keep with me at all times. It does have the advantage of giving my arms a nice work out hefting it around.
No one ever told me that mom's had this "magic" knack or where it is gleened from but I think all mom's have the ability. No other job I have had prepared me for the amount of multi-tasking and improvisonal problem solving that I would encounter as a mom. So I ask you fellow moms--why didn't anyone speak up?
Personally, my favorite is being the magician while at the doctors office. We spend ample amount of time at a doctor's office not only for Ian but also for Livy. (We were there today for an ear infection and what might be strep. )
The last time Ian had a CHOA appointment only Brett and Ian went to give Livy and I a break. After triage while waiting in the room for the doctors to start rounds, Ian looks at Brett and asks "So where are my Thomas Books?" to which Brett was buddy I don't have anything. Ian tries a different do you have some which Brett again said, I have nothing nothing at all. Ahh....yes the mommy in me smiled when I heard this and thought of how buff I am becoming toting my magicians magic bag (aka diaper bag or 72 hour kit) whereever I go. (As a side note...I have since prepared brett with an emergency thomas the train paper that he now carries in his wallet).
Shayna's Liver is Healing
8 years ago
Ha ah ha ha ha. YES! It's so true! Garner is convinced that my bag is magic. He thinks there is a never ending supply of snacks etc. He never believes "Sorry buddy, we ate all the snacks" he simply says "just look in your bag." I usually do and lo and behold snacks magically appear even when I thought that we had indeed eaten them all!
Ah! How true it is! And I agree w/Sarah's comment too...where do all those snacks come from? Hats off to all moms! It's a VERY hard job, but someone has to do it!
Being an aunt of seven, (the oldest is now 20 and the youngest is 6 months old), being a baby sitter since 11 (I am now 30) and working in the the nursery I have learned a lot about having bags prepared and a lot of other types of being prepared. This will help whe I become a mother myself. All of these tips will help. :)
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