So I am a blogging slacker having not updated this since March. In my defense, life has been absolutely crazy for my family and I the last few months. My husband accepted a job in South Carolina (Charleston) and moved. I am also pregnant expecting a little girl in October. So far 2008 has been great!
Our move was fairly smooth and we feel so blessed that we sold our house so quickly, found a new house that is awesome in South Carolina, and had everything in between come together. We only had one real casuality from the move--plastic trash cans fell from the moving truck and shattered. I have pictures of things but haven't downloaded them from my camera yet to upload. I shed many tears leaving friends, family, and home of 28 years....every time I thought I was done, I would start again. Kleenex should partner with Mayflower in my opinion.
I became naturalized in June and celebrated my first 4th of July as a citizen! It was wondeful. I hope to get a passport soon--not that I have any pending trips coming or anything. I used my naturalization paperwork to get my SC license :)
Ian is still holding steady--PELD is a 10 again. We head to CHOA in 2 weeks for a clinic visit. He loves the "butterfly" hospital and Dr. Romero. We have a new specialist here at MUSC and meet with him in September.
Boxes and unpacking awaits me so I will end with my classic....more on the next post.....
Shayna's Liver is Healing
8 years ago