So it is amazing to me that it is already August. The summer seems to be slipping awasy so quickly.
Ian and I went to see Open Season today with his Grandma Meldrum at the Children's showing at the theatre. He did pretty well. It was the third time we've gone to the free movie.
Still no real change or news on his liver transplant. We'll have labs done again in about two weeks so hopefully that will help him to climb. It is amazing how well he does with labs, and everything else. What a trooper. He knows all about meds and is almost to the point where I think he could do the meds himself.
We are taking a small day trip to see some of Brett's family this weekend in Winston-Salem, NC. I am personally excited to get my hair cut :) Ian is also looking pretty shaggy. Brett's brother comes home on leave from his tour in Kosovo this weekend and Brett is really looking forward to seeing him. He will come and stay with us for a few days.
It has finally rained for a few days so the grass is starting to green up again to the point where I think it could use cutting. I'll try to get that done today or tomorrow if I can; however, the mower needs an oil change and I have no idea how to do that at all. Eeek!
As always.....more on the next post.
Shayna's Liver is Healing
8 years ago
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