It snowed here in Charleston on Friday night. We got about 3 inches and it was AWESOME!!!! Since moving here two years ago, I had given up all hopes of seeing snow again but it was a great early birthday present to get some snow. The last time it snowed in Charleston was 10 years ago according to the news and people here reacted that way; schools closed early, stores were in panic mode and the interstate was a mess--and all of this before the first flake even thought about falling!
As soon as Ian knew it was snowing all he could think about (and ask about) was going to play in it. He checked the window every five minutes I think. Here is one of those periodic check ins with the snow just starting to pileup on the trashcan outside.

When we woke up, the kids raced to the window to see......

We bundled in our best 'make do' snow clothes (not having such things in South Carolina) and went and played in it. Ian loved it and Livy thought it was just cold.

We could hear people all over our neighborhood outside in the snow. It was great fun!!!! We had hot chocolate afterwards. And after quiet time that afternoon, I caved and took the kids out again into what was left of the snow that had basically already melted. Ian is already asking when it will snow again.