Livy has acid reflux it seems so at her 4 month well baby appointment on Tuesday the doctor prescribed Zantac for her. He actually prescribed both the generic and non-generic that tastes a lot better, etc. I opted for the generic as it was $30 cheaper. We are on dose number four and it is going OK in terms of getting her to take it--I've tried mixing it in breastmilk, pedialyte and apple juice and so far the pedialyte is the winner. She coughs, gags, and sputters it but manage to get some down. The doctor told us that some babies sleep through the night after they start getting it and I thought yeah right but lo and behold......the first night she slept from 10 to 4 without waking! I woke up a million times it seemed to check on her so it wasn't very restful for me. Last night was back to the usual but I am hoping that the med helps to calm her tummy to get into a pattern for sleep. I am excited at the prospect of a better sleeping Livy.
Ian is back from clinic without his PICC line! Very exciting as a big time bath is in his future for tonight! I am so excited and I think he is going to be once he sees that he can splash and play again. We head back to clinic mid March and I will probably be going solo to give Brett the break. They wanted us at the end of March but because there is a "night with the braves" on the 14th of april we are wanting to align our next clinic with that baseball game so Ian can see it.
I've started our food storage for 3 months and think we have a solid month at this point. I felt giddy scoring poptarts--name brand poptarts mind you--for $.20 a box at publix with BOGO and coupons.
I think that it is truly a mommy moment to be giddy over these small victories :)
Shayna's Liver is Healing
8 years ago