So today, Monday the 27th is the first day that Livy, Ian and I are home completely without help. So far, everyone is still alive and actually out of PJs, with breakfast, etc. I dozed on the couch for a few while watching Thomas the Train with Ian waking up to the repeated request of Ian telling me that he had to go potty. We made it in time thankfully. All of our company left yesterday after Livy's blessing. On saturday we went to historic Charleston and walked around a lot--I didn't walk as far as the group but it was still enough that I have been sore yesterday and today taking OTC pain killer.
Ian continues to be obsessed with Livy's belly button and wants to see it everytime I change her diaper. He is such a good helper and very patient overall when I am trying to take care of her needs. We just visted the Thomas website and now are getting ready to play with his train table before lunch while Livy is napping.
In our morning prayer, Brett gave thanks that I was able to stay home with the kids....plural now and that still is taking some getting used to; that I am the mother of two and am now in the daily grind of life at home without help.
Shayna's Liver is Healing
8 years ago